Tuesday, April 24, 2012

okaeri NEWS~ Omedetou! ^^/


step back haters!
we got fangirling things to do~ XD

ohh.. I know I'm wayyyy to late.. it's already 1week after the news of NEWS~
(haha, I love news pun~ ^^)

Johnnys gonna make me broke next sem bcause I will definitely buying their new SINGLE + BEST ALBUM~! XD
too bad for their TOUR~ seems impossible for me to fly to Japan.. T_T
but... still, it's worth waiting!
the best comeback ever for any other Johnnys grup! :D
(LOL, I'm sooo hyper rite now XD)

btw, ignore above sentence on the haters part...
I never seen any NEWS haters ever since I'm in this fandom~ ^^
Jpop rarely have any haters btw. :/

I already vote the 4 songs! .......thrice XD
using my mail, my dad's and my sis's
so total I vote 12 songs~ XD
the one that I like are Share, Forever, Dreams, and Alibi.

ok.. got to go..
I want to watch NEWS-related-vids while waiting for KchanNEWS this night~ ^^

I can't wait for the details~!!! XD
Nyusuuu hayakuuu!

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